Top 6 Baby Baths Products

Get the best for your baby's bath time - check out our top picks with reviews and where to buy them.

What people say

2,516 reviews from 9 shops
“I think this product is fantastic! I've been looking for something that's the right balance of kindness to skin yet does the job it's supposed to do and clean”
“This is a lightweight product that foams up really easily and has a lovely gentle smell and overall long lasting fragrance”

Where to buy


What people say

1,741 reviews from 10 shops
“Love the smell and the way it bubbles up in bath but doesn't make it too slippery a bath! My little un's love it and does seem to calm them thou think it's warmth of bath and tiring day that makes them sleepy more than this actual product! Definitely one to buy again”
“This is a great product and it now a much loved part of our nighttime routine”

Where to buy


What people say

1,115 reviews from 8 shops
“I love this it smells amazing! It smells clean and fresh and is long lasting! It gives lots of bubbles and is so easy to use with it being a pump it's easy to do one handed! It's not affected my little ones skin in the slightest it's really gentle! I love this and will continue using it!”
“Very relaxing smell great for bedtime bath”

Where to buy


What people say

1 reviews from 3 shops
“this is such a HUGE help! you know your baby is comfortable and safe and won't slip”

Where to buy


What people say

277 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy


What people say

73 reviews from 3 shops
“Love this little newborn bath”
“Love Nuby newnorn baths”

Where to buy
