“This is incredible!!! It is so soothing for sensitive skin and works as an amazing primer! Foundation and this balm literally stick together and last all day”
“This is a first class product but without the silly price tag”
“I love this lotion makes my face smooth and supple no greasy shine on my face like other lotions it smells great just needs one pump is enuff to cover your face I'm never using anything else ever again ”
“I think its better for his skin than normal aftershave which is too aggressive Five stars”
“Very impressed with this balm; i had a dry angry patch on my face that had been gradually getting bigger over the last few months and nothing was solving my problem however after a couple of weeks applying this every other day it has completely gone”
“This is a super thick and rich balm absolutely perfect for parched skin”
“This is fragrance free so perfect for sensitive skin and the soothing Licorice it contains you can't taste or smell - so if like me Licorice is not your thing then you do not need to worry this product is perfect still for you”
“This is so moisturising and gentle there's no stinging or any unpleasant feeling when you put it on”
“This is all I've ever wanted vaseline to do for a very very long time! I bought 2 as it was on offer eve though I wasn't sure what it was going to be like”
“I love this product as it's simple no added colour so can be used anywhere anytime it didn't leave my lips feeling greasy or sticky which I find some do I recommend this one for all”
“This is a great product and feels amazing when you put it on doesn't feel greasy”