Top 12 Blackcurrant Squashes Products

Get refreshed and energized with our top blackcurrant squash picks. Read some reviews and find out where to buy them.

What people say

308 reviews from 7 shops
“Very good quality and very popular in my household ”
“This is handy to have when the hot weather especially when it has being in the fridge in a sipper bottle”

Where to buy


What people say

62 reviews from 6 shops
“I love blackcurrant anyway and this isn't overly sweet like some can be”
“This is great for the environment and less plastic to recycle”

Where to buy


What people say

35 reviews from 1 shop
“This is from cadle ( fforestfach swansea) store I had no trouble ordering from Ammanford when I lived a mile up the road !!! I have phoned about this multiple times and was informed they will speak to the manager about it ”
“Love stockdale juice”

Where to buy


What people say

36 reviews from 2 shops
“Very fruity & without the usual unpleasant aftertaste of the sweetener”
“Very refreshing drink and quite tasteful”

Where to buy


What people say

28 reviews from 1 shop
“Very fruity and tasty”
“This is 50% blackcurrant juice and you can taste the difference between this & other blackcurrant squashes! Yes”

Where to buy


What people say

9 reviews from 2 shops
“I love the taste”

Where to buy


What people say

233 reviews from 1 shop
“This is a delicious treat anytime of the year”
“Love the Asda range of cordial juice”

Where to buy
