“These ultra goodnight towels are amazing I suffer with very heavy periods and these are the only sanitary pads that actually work All through the night for me! Highly recommend”
“I love trying the new ranges as this is my favourite brand and I find they feel more comfortable and fresher”
“These are by far the best pads there so comfortable and make me feel confident wearing them as they don't show through clothing like some pads can and there 100% safe while your sleeping and moving around in the night”
“These towels are very discreet and comfortable to wear without having to worry about feeling unfresh or uncomfortable”
“These liners are contoured perfectly they fit perfect! The size is great and the absorption is really good! These are great for everyday to keep your undies clean and are comfortable to keep on! Love all the bodyform range!”
“These body form ultra towel feminine pads are great! They are very discreet”