Top 6 Castor Oils Products

Discover the amazing benefits of Castor Oil's top products. Check out honest reviews and find out where to buy them.

What people say

15 reviews from 1 shop
“this is now my favourite oil to use for my hair! well done superdrug :))”

Where to buy


What people say

7 reviews from 3 shops
“Very good oil for facial massage”
“Very lovely”

Where to buy


What people say

32 reviews from 3 shops
“I think it should be an essential in everyone's makeup/skincare bag”
“Love the smell”

Where to buy


What people say

12 reviews from 2 shops

Where to buy


What people say

10 reviews from 2 shops
“Love Love Love! Can see the difference in a few months”

Where to buy


What people say

2 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy
