Top 10 Chocolate Cereals
Discover the UK's favourite chocolate cereals, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
What people say “These are a firm all round family favourite from the toddler up to the grown ups”
“I love the taste and crunch and once the cereal had gone you can enjoy the chocolate flavoured milk the cereal makes”
What people say
298 reviews from 10 shops
“I love this cereal! Extra special with the chunks of chocolate - i find the mini weetabix stays crunchier than normal weetabix”
“Love these mini weetabix ! I eat them dry great snack when peckish ! Crunchy with chocolate chips”
What people say “These are my favourite choice for breakfast they taste great fill you for the morning and you get the added bonus of chocolate milk at the end yummy”
“I love the way the chocolate flavour spreads onto the hot milk while the cereal still retains some bite to it”
What people say
1,866 reviews from 8 shops
“Very chocolatey and better than other cereals we've tried”
“These taste great”
What people say “This is so delicious - lovely mix of granola and cereal and the chocolate is a lovely extra”
“I love this! I little chocolate craving satisfied”
What people say “Very tasty”
“Love the taste of them honestly”
What people say “I love love love this cereal! It's my favourite cereal because it tastes great and it's fortified with lots of macro - nutrients perfect for all of the family!”
“These are delicious and part of slimming worlds b choice foods”
What people say “Love this cereal was a whole lot better than expected”
“Very tasty”
What people say “Very expensive for what it is but I try and stock up when it’s on special offer”
“Very tasty”
What people say
1,426 reviews from 6 shops
“Very crunchy outside and a chocolate wave of deliciousness coming through - just divine! Have to say that i eat them without milk”
“I love the flavour of the chocolate with the knowledge of eating a healthy whole grain”
What people say “I think this cereal is delicious for two reasons”
“Love these”
Where to buy
What people say “This is a real family treat that our young daughters affectionately call 'chocolate bits'! They love the chocolate swirls”
“This is luxury granola”
Where to buy
What people say “These were very popular with my family and the fact theyre organic and vegan made buying them guilt free”
“These are nice and crunchy with a good chocolatey flavour (I personally think they taste like chocolate wafers)”
What people say “This is the best cereal and it hasn't been available for 3 weeks”
“This is the most yummy cereal I have ever had”
What people say “I love bear products I love the Yo-Yos then I found these and ordered them and I was extremely happy with the taste ☺”
“They are a great low sugar cereal that taste just as good as their unhealthier alternatives!”
What people say “I love the triple chocolates taste”
“I love the Sainsbury's granola with chocolate and orange”