Top 10 Finish Products

Looking for sparkling clean dishes? Check out Finish's top products. Read reviews and find where to buy them here.
Finish Dishwasher Tablet
Finish Ultimate
Finish Quantum
Finish Dishwasher Tabs
Finish Rinse Aid

What people say

459 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy


What people say

360 reviews from 3 shops
“This is honestly such a great product it definitely does what it says on the bottle and smells great also it removed the grease I've been trying to for ages so I recommend it to my mum because she's been having the same issue bringing up the grease in her dishwasher”
“Very impressed with the lasting lemon smell”

Where to buy


What people say

226 reviews from 7 shops

Where to buy


What people say

183 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy


What people say

212 reviews from 4 shops
“This is perfect for leaving your dishwasher with a fresh finish and smelling and looking sparkly clean”
“This is so simple to use and smells fantastic! It cleans so so well and leaves sparkling with a nice fresh smell”

Where to buy


What people say

192 reviews from 4 shops
“I think this is what used to be called Finish Turbo Dry”
“Love this product”

Where to buy


What people say

390 reviews from 2 shops
“This is a fantastic product! I've tested on both dishes that are difficult to clean and ones that are easier and Finish Quantum did the job with ease in both scenarios! Despite being small and compact tablets”
“These tablets cut through the grease and stains and produce consistently clean and shiny crockery and cutlery”

Where to buy


What people say

228 reviews from 3 shops
“These are my go to dishwasher tabs they always wash so well and always get rid of the stubborn burnt on food but best of all there is never water marks on my glasses and they really are squeaky clean”
“These tablets are great and leaves my dishes and dishwasher super clean and smelling lovely”

Where to buy


What people say

168 reviews from 5 shops
“This is awesome I always have trouble getting rid of the smears on my glasses and my favourite skull glass but look at the difference before and after when it dried it stayed sparkling no smears! I definitely recommend this product if you have a dishwasher I even got my mum to buy some too she is astonished!”
“Very happy with this”

Where to buy


What people say

275 reviews from 5 shops
“These are great because you add them to your usual cycle so there's no planning needed and they're really very effective”
“I love how you put these in when you're doing a dishwashing cycle so it cleans your dishwasher and your dishes- very economical! Dishwasher came out sparkling and smelling lovely”

Where to buy
