Top 16 For Aisha Products
Discover the UK's favourite for aisha products, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.

What people say
“Very strong uncooked spice smell”
“Very disappointed with all Aisha products so far”

What people say
“I love how they have included herbs & spices to give variety and educate the taste buds”
“I love these baby meals and so does my 7 month old”

What people say
“This is a nice alternative to the the meals offered in other ranges”

What people say
“I think the texture was an issue and he couldn't get passed that to really try it”

What people say
“This is a nice present product that my daughter happily ate with a bit of encouragement”

What people say
“I love fish and coconut but wasn't sure if it worked together”
“The taste is good (smells nice too) but it's very sloppy and could do with some bigger chunks”