Top 12 Formula Dispensers

Discover the UK's favourite formula dispensers, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.

What people say

3 reviews from 1 shop
“These are really good”

Where to buy


What people say

8 reviews from 1 shop
“Very disappointed”

Where to buy


What people say

6 reviews from 1 shop
“This is such a great idea”

Where to buy


What people say

171 reviews from 4 shops
“This is one thing I never thought I would use! How wrong was I it's brilliant! So simple to use and takes littraly 2 minutes and it's perfect! Out and about can just ask a café or restaurant for billing water and have a bottle ready for little legs”
“This is an absolute brilliant invention with a young baby”

Where to buy


What people say

28 reviews from 4 shops
“I love the coloured indicator at the top to show you an average temperature of the water inside too”
“This is my first time using the portable formula feed maker and i must say i love it”

Where to buy


What people say

48 reviews from 3 shops
“This product is the perfect solution for those who don't wish to use the fridge method but find waiting 30+ minutes for kettle water to cool too stressful for both themselves and their little ones”
“This is my first time using the portable formula feed maker and i must say i love it”

Where to buy


What people say

15 reviews from 1 shop
“This is fantastic! It has 3 compartments so great for when out and about visiting friends”
“Very convenient I use outside and in the house too”

Where to buy


What people say

382 reviews from 2 shops
“This product is very advanced and super convenient! :) Being portable means it makes life so much easier on the go as a busy Mum! Instant fresh feed with no fuss! :) a must have! An amazing discounted price too…”
“I think it cools much faster than the stated time”

Where to buy


What people say

14 reviews from 2 shops
“I think this will be easier for me and the baby alike”
“This is amazing”

Where to buy


Where to buy

Milk Powder Dispensers
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