Top 11 Gazpachos

Discover the UK's favourite gazpachos, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.

What people say

929 reviews from 3 shops
“This is a very nice gazpacho tastes natural with a lovely cucumber taste coming through the tomato perfect on a hot day with a twist of black pepper”
“This is so delicious and very moreish! It has a lovely texture and is perfectly seasoned (although there is always space for more black pepper!) Highly recommended”

Where to buy


What people say

63 reviews from 2 shops
“This is much nicer and cheaper than it's rival brand”
“this is extremely tangy but great in hot weather! I prefer it to the other big brand but it does depend on what you are used to and what your taste preferences are”

Where to buy


What people say

20 reviews from 1 shop
“Very nice”
“This is ok if you want to slip it in your bag for a transportable lunch but its certainly not the best gazpacho on the market”

Where to buy


What people say

71 reviews from 3 shops
“I would definitely recommend Renourish Refresh Gazpacho 500g to anyone looking for a delicious and healthy soup”
“They are lovely when it's raining and grey warms you right up”

Where to buy


Where to buy


Where to buy


What people say

112 reviews from 2 shops
“Love this! Very tasty and refreshing and doesn't leave any nasty aftertaste”
“Very delicious soup and enjoyed my first taste of Gazpacho”

Where to buy


What people say

9 reviews from 1 shop
“This is the best taste and consistency-wise of all of them”
“This is the one to buy”

Where to buy


What people say

37 reviews from 1 shop
“This is great lovely thickness and in a glass jar is great as you can take it in the picnic hamper”
“Very refreshing!”

Where to buy

Tomato Soups