Top 8 Gluten-free Beers Products

Discover the best tasting gluten-free beers that are widely available and perfect for those who are looking to enjoy beer without worrying about gluten. Want to know more? Check out our reviews and find out where to buy them.

What people say

208 reviews from 7 shops
“This is brilliant and use it to prevent pointless drinking at home and just generally lower my alcohol intake”
“Very convincing taste and a great option when you want to join the party but are driving”

Where to buy


What people say

51 reviews from 5 shops
“I love Peroni so was interested in seeing if this tasted different from the regular one”
“Love this refreshing and tasty lager - really nice chilled”

Where to buy


What people say

145 reviews from 3 shops
“Very happy tastes nice and refreshing and knowing that it is gluten free means less bloat for me”
“I love the taste and it's perfect in summer time just as a refreshing drink”

Where to buy


What people say

16 reviews from 2 shops
“This is like drinking a shandy”
“Very nice gluten free lager ????”

Where to buy


What people say

6 reviews from 2 shops
“Very acceptable every day gluten free lager”
“Very impressed”

Where to buy


What people say

1 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy
