Top 16 Gluten Free Breads Products

Get rid of gluten with tasty bread options that everyone will love. Discover the best gluten-free breads and where to buy them with our reviews.

What people say

153 reviews from 5 shops
“They are lovely as a sandwich and great toasted”
“These are lovely and soft and smell and taste exactly like fresh home baked bread”

Where to buy


What people say

234 reviews from 5 shops
“Love this bread especially when toasted but always out of stock so keeps getting replaced with Genius which I hate”
“This is lovely bread - tastes almost like wheat bread ie your friends and family won't notice the difference! Soft”

Where to buy


What people say

221 reviews from 6 shops
“I love normal bread but due to wheat intolerance it doesn't love me! It has a lovely taste anf texture which doesn't fall apart and makes wonderful sandwiches”
“This is my favourite gluten free bread - it is the most similar to regular bread”

Where to buy


What people say

190 reviews from 6 shops
“These taste nice Im told but I noticed they dont cook super crispy on the outside like normal fish fingers”
“I think the crumb is quite crispy and they taste great! ”

Where to buy


What people say

208 reviews from 4 shops
“This is almost like the 'normal' (wheat) bread that I used to have”
“This is the best bread I have ever tasted and when toasted with some goats cheese even better”

Where to buy


What people say

118 reviews from 7 shops
“They are a little on the expensive side (what free from products arent?) but I stock up when they are on offer”
“They are quite dense so very filling”

Where to buy


What people say

171 reviews from 6 shops
“I think the sourdough is the secret”
“This is my favourite gluten free vegan bread!”

Where to buy


What people say

27 reviews from 4 shops
“Very happy and I feel better for it”
“I have to say I was well impressed one packet made 2 x 9-in loaf tin”

Where to buy


What people say

93 reviews from 6 shops
“Very crisp and tasty - more so than the original ordinary crispbreads and they seem to have more body to them”
“They are the crackerbread type rather than the crispbread type and go with either savoury or sweet toppings”

Where to buy


What people say

21 reviews from 1 shop
“Very tasty and quick to make”
“This is the best gluten free flour I've used and will now be sticking with this brand”

Where to buy
