Top 5 Griddle Products

Discover the UK's favourite griddle products, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.

What people say

108 reviews from 2 shops
“These are so quick to make and also not sweet so go really well with Avocado for a filling breakfast”
“These taste much more nutritious and have more of a bite to them than standard waffles”

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What people say

69 reviews from 1 shop
“Love this whole range - great that they are low calorie and wholegrain too - We are all about the “every food fits” mantra so these are great when you fancy something sweet but not too heavy with just the right amount of choc chips - we like to add some melted butter 10/10”
“I love that they're not overly sweet like other waffles”

Where to buy


What people say

103 reviews from 2 shops
“These are so good and lovely to have in the freezer for a little sweet treat”
“They are much sweeter than other flavours in this range but they have the same crispy on the outside”

Where to buy
