Top 12 Imodium Products

Stop stomach problems in their tracks with Imodium's top products - find out what customers are saying and where to get them.

What people say

994 reviews from 9 shops
“These are brilliant for travelling no water required they have a lovely lemon taste which makes them easier to swallow they melt really quickly too I'd highly recommend these and will keep a back up in my travel kit for those unpredictable emergency belly issues”
“These are genuinely giving me back my normal life! I have a 'nervous stomach'”

Where to buy


What people say

1,099 reviews from 9 shops
“These dissolving on your tongue tablets are absolutely fantastic They are small and discreet and literally allowed me to be able to get to a job interview despite some troublesome bowels”
“THese imodium instants do as they say stop the problem instantly Wow melted in the mouth leaving a pleasant taste”

Where to buy


What people say

806 reviews from 7 shops
“These tablets were brilliant settled my stomach and stopped other problem I took 2 with water and they really did help thank you for this trial it was a life saver”
“This is a faster and therefore better version of the normal Immodium tablets”

Where to buy


What people say

671 reviews from 7 shops
“These are small capsules that are fast acting taking 2 capsules after a bout of diarrhoea then one thereafter if still having diarrhoea remembering to drink water so I don't get dehydrated”
“These start working within around 30 minutes and are very effective at relieving symptoms”

Where to buy


What people say

995 reviews from 9 shops
“Very effective and works almost instantly with having irritable bowels I use them quiet offen these were the best by far as normal only buy shops own brand but will be buying these more often”
“These do exactly what they say they will do! Within 24 hours of taking my first one”

Where to buy


What people say

456 reviews from 5 shops
“These tablets really do work! I've been an IBS sufferer for many years I suffer from bouts of IBS-D and have tried many remedies which most just make the awful cramps worse”
“These are better than anything else I have tried before”

Where to buy


What people say

180 reviews from 1 shop
“This is really fantastic! I suffer with horrendous bowel issues and sometimes waiting for the tablets to work really takes time! These instants mean I can get back to my daily life a lot quicker!”
“These are great if you need to leave the house but have an upset stomach and need a quick fix!”

Where to buy


What people say

165 reviews from 2 shops
“These imodium tablets work well and more important work quickly and are useful to have for when needed”
“I found this product amazing ! Worked incredibly fast and very easy to take highly recommend”

Where to buy


What people say

180 reviews from 1 shop
“Very easy to take as they do melt on the tongue (which actually surprised me) with a pleasant minty taste and they work really quickly which for this type of product is essential”
“Love this product it is really small and discreet”

Where to buy
