“I have to say that I am impressed! The smell is amazing and I've only been using low temperatures but they still clean better than I expected! Love! Love! Love! And so do my friends and family! Definitely new customers now”
“They are great for stain removal giving a really deep clean and like all fairy products they smell amazing!”
“I think the new tabs are awesome as they come in reduced packaging which is key for an Eco freak like me! My washing had a fresh smell even after being dried and my undies were soft and smooth! Persil sent me the tabs for free and I will definitely but them again as their price is low in my local shop! A great product!”
“This is amazing for little ones and for adults if you have sensitive skin scent was minimal and perfect for delicate baby skin deffo recommend and cheap as well it makes it so easy just to throw the tab it than faffing around with the liquids”
“I love the pods I find them so much quicker and easier yet still gives you that amazing clean”