Top 7 Paediasure Products
Discover the UK's favourite paediasure products, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
What people say
1,092 reviews from 4 shops
“I love this shake it is great the kids live it it's so creamy I wasnt sure when I said water but it so nice the kids think it's amazing”
“This is ideal for my 3 yr old who goes through very fussy phases with his food”
What people say “It's absolutely delicious chocolate flavour”
“The taste of the shake is too good especially the chocolate flavour is designed for kids”
What people say “It's absolutely delicious chocolate flavour”
“The taste of the shake is too good especially the chocolate flavour is designed for kids”
What people say “They are a little pricey for just an everyday supplement but definitely would push the boat out for occasions where I was concerned about his nutritional intake”
“It's absolutely delicious chocolate flavour”
What people say “They are a little pricey for just an everyday supplement but definitely would push the boat out for occasions where I was concerned about his nutritional intake”
“It's absolutely delicious chocolate flavour”
What people say “It's absolutely delicious chocolate flavour”
“The taste of the shake is too good especially the chocolate flavour is designed for kids”
What people say “It's absolutely delicious chocolate flavour”
“The taste of the shake is too good especially the chocolate flavour is designed for kids”