Top 2 Port Salut Products

Discover the UK's favourite port salut products, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
Port Salut
Cheese Slices
20g, 120g
6 x

What people say

133 reviews from 5 shops
“This is a lovely cheese - great for a sandwich and delightful on a grilled cheese”
“Love it! Creamy and tasty ( a bit salty”

Where to buy


What people say

267 reviews from 6 shops
“I love all creamy cheese but this one is particularly smooth and has quite a subtle favour for those that don't like anything too overpowering”
“This is am excellent softish creamy cheese available at a reasonable price from Asda”

Where to buy

Cheese Slices
Soft Cheeses