Top 10 Probiotics
Discover the UK's favourite probiotics, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
What people say “These contain 6 different strains of live cultures proven to reach the gut alive”
“Very pleased with purchase”
What people say “These are expensive but the best pro biotics I've ever had by a long way”
“These seem to be making my stomach a happier place much less wind”
What people say “These seem to be better quality than those available from other brands”
“They are easy to take and I feel like my digestion has improved a little bit”
What people say “Love this range Expensive but natural and they work Perfect for digestive health”
“These probiotics are particularly good at combatting yeast infections and those sensitive to sugar of all types”
What people say “They are only small so easy to swallow”
What people say “These were recommended to me by a pharmacist and have been buying them for years! My stomach gets funny sometimes”
“These pills work better than I ever thought they would”
What people say “These are excellent”
“These capsules are designed especially for women”
What people say “I think Biomel Dark Chocolate is one of the tastiest diary free probiotics available”
“The taste is great - usually have it a a snack when my stomach is suffering and they tend it sooth it”
What people say “These probiotics helped me recover completely from a severe UTI and this hasn't recurred”
“They are now a regular on my shopping list to keep good health”
What people say
1,583 reviews from 8 shops
“These tablets seem great so far I've never tried anything like it before but after taking them my body already feels different so I can't wait to keep talking them and I would definitely recommend these”
“These will be part of my daily routine going forward!”
What people say “Love keeping my babies healthy and they take these just fine”
“These are very expensive for daily use but would be good to use when needed”
What people say “These were excellent product and did the trick the only downside to these are that they have a very garlicky taste when taking”
“These tablets are realy great to keep your stomach healthy they can be used but adults qnd children my son has its so I'm hoping they help him alot they qre easy to take I will definitely be getting more”
What people say “I think they're a little pricey but they're doing little tummys good so worth it ”
“These taste so good you'll have no problem getting the kids to eat them”