“These are fantastic and a great move from Rowntrees to make these sweets accessible to vegan and vegetarian diets! In 2021 there's no need for animal products to be included in sweets etc! And to all the negative reviews wanting gelatine back - don't you know what it actually is!? Anyway”
“These are so delicious! I'm not vegetarian or vegan”
“These sweets are absolutely delicious! So soft and juicy with a variety of flavours and shapes! I love the rowntrees brand and these are a welcome addition! Great for the whole family and loved by all of mine”
“These rowntrees random are so delicious and juicy in the centre”
“I love this product as an occasional family treat! It's reassuring to know that the sweets contain no artificial colours”
“I love that the mix of all either jelly or foamy or filled sweets leaves your brain all muddled with the randomness that we have come to know and love !”
“These are my very favourite sweets that I have enjoyed since I was a child My favourite flavour is orange and then the green one The flavours are intense and this is why they are my favourite They are chewy but can also be sucked for a long time”
“These are my all-time favourite chewy fruit sweets with that delicious crunch of a bumpy sugar shell”