Top 10 Swedes
Discover the UK's favourite swedes, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
What people say “Very tasty always a necessity with a roast! Very reasonable”
“Love turnip mashed with a little butter and pepper”
What people say “These are tiny in comparison and only do a few folk if that but do the job fine when needed”
“Very good value and always fresh produce”
What people say “These are great value and much under rated”
“Very tasty and sweet”
What people say “Very good quality”
“Very tasty”
What people say “Very tasty and not stringy”
“Love it cooked with carrots”
Where to buy
What people say “I love all root vegetables”
“I love swede”
What people say “They are known to me as white turnip”
“This is a white turnip NOT a swede”
What people say “I love this time-saving”
“This is a must in my freezer”
What people say “I love this as an extra with the Sunday roast; yes it's a little peppery because in its natural state its not bursting with flavours but it's a healthy and enjoyable choice and not very expensive”
“This is a great topping for a cottage pie! I thought it was delicious - much better than chopping the real thing and freezeable too! ”
What people say “This is not on online lists at Guildford store”
“Love this cooks quickly”
What people say “Very impressed with this first time to try swede pack and so easy to cook”
“These packs need about 25 to 30 minutes boiling”
What people say “This is perfect with anything really tasty plus gives you some of you portions of vegetable”
“This is a great standby product”
What people say “This is lovely a easy way of getting kids to eat veg and ideal for adults”
“Very tasty & easy & quick to prepare !”
What people say “I love the convenience of this product i also use in soup very versatile excellent”
“I love this it's so convenient and tastes lovely”
What people say “Very good value for money”
“Very misleading and disappointing”
What people say “This product is delicious and quick if you do not have much time to prepare a meal and wait for potatoes carrot and swede to cook then mash”
“I love being able to just microwave this vegetable dish”