Top 12 Sweetcorn Tins Products
Get a taste of delicious sweetcorn with our top picks from canned options. Find out where to buy them and see what others are saying.

What people say
“This is a standard in my small grocery pantry - along with Heinz baked beans”
“This is the only vegetable the Lostbear Cub will eat without accusing me of trying to poison her”

What people say
“These little tins are just the ideal size to add some colour and crunch to a meal”
“These taste good and proves that you don't need to add salt or sugar to a natural product”

What people say
“This is by far my favourite and I may have been known to just eat a tin ”
“This is by far the best tinned corn I tried”

What people say
“These are really tasty and easy to cook”

What people say
“I think we have only had one tin of this brand which had a golden yellow colour”
“This is the cheapest in stock since Waitrose left but nothing now is a patch on their brand”

What people say
“I love sweetcorn”
“Very good product”

What people say
“Love this tin of sweetcorn”

What people say
“These are by far the best available- sweet and crunchy - full of flavour”
“This is a slightly smaller can than the original naturally sweet variety”