Top 9 Washing Detergents Products

Discover the best washing detergents that provide exceptional cleaning power to give your clothes a new lease of life. Check out our reviews and find out where to get them.

What people say

555 reviews from 7 shops
“I have to say I was happy with the detergent smells lovely and clean clothes”
“This is the opposite! Its nice and thick so you dont need loads and it smells lovely and fresh”

Where to buy


What people say

672 reviews from 8 shops
“I think the new tabs are awesome as they come in reduced packaging which is key for an Eco freak like me! My washing had a fresh smell even after being dried and my undies were soft and smooth! Persil sent me the tabs for free and I will definitely but them again as their price is low in my local shop! A great product!”
“I love my Persil liquid”

Where to buy


What people say

552 reviews from 8 shops
“I love the handy little ball to measure the amount of liquid needed ensuring there is no or very little waste”
“I think this Persil small and mighty is excellent! Love the little ball measurer”

Where to buy


What people say

195 reviews from 1 shop
“This is an effective washing liquid which leaves laundry with a lovely 'clean' scent”
“I found this the least harsh and overpowering with fragrance although it does have fragrance”

Where to buy


What people say

103 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy


What people say

47 reviews from 3 shops
“Love that you only need a small amount of liquid”
“This is a great product ”

Where to buy


What people say

30 reviews from 2 shops

Where to buy


What people say

102 reviews from 1 shop

Where to buy


What people say

60 reviews from 2 shops
“This is by far my favorite detergent! It cleans my clothes properly and the scent is incredible”
“This is now my regular detergent and I won't be swapping”

Where to buy
