Top 14 Wheat Biscuits Products

Get the best-tasting wheat biscuits and find out where to get them in our reviews.

What people say

1,897 reviews from 5 shops
“I love the natural flavour and textures of the wheaty wholegrain; perfect served with hot soya milk allowed to soak for 5 mins and savored with a mashed banana”
“I think the quality and value for money makes my morning and golden sunny colour when you open the box its delicious”

Where to buy


What people say

996 reviews from 2 shops
“love shredded wheat either hot or cold and it's great for making easter nest cakes for a little treat!”
“I love shredded wheat ever since I say Iam Botham advertising them I had to try it and I was not disappointed!!! I get to eat all the vitamins I need for the day and I feel prepared to face anything during the day”

Where to buy


What people say

572 reviews from 7 shops
“I love weetabix so much I have to have 3 every morning and wait until they go soggy then white sugar over the top so when they put the large on offer I keep buying !”
“Very filling and tasty great with hot milk”

Where to buy


What people say

87 reviews from 1 shop
“I think they are as good as weetabix but so much cheaper in price”
“These are Brilliant”

Where to buy

72 x

What people say

563 reviews from 7 shops
“Love it that I can click & collect and top up on my Daily breakfast”
“Love weetabix good value for money and excellent quality”

Where to buy


What people say

105 reviews from 1 shop
“These are delicious! They have a malty taste and I'm so pleased that I tried them”
“They are tasty and I really like the fact they are not so crumbly as other brands and stay a little firmer in the milk”

Where to buy


What people say

111 reviews from 1 shop
“These are great to make vegan “ honey “ puffs”
“These taste great (for puffed wheat) and it is great that Sainsbury's have their own brand”

Where to buy


What people say

65 reviews from 1 shop
“These are virtually identical in size to Weetabix but I feel these hold their shape and crispiness a bit longer in the milk too”
“These are great”

Where to buy
