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Raise brand awareness, drive product sales, and reach over 3,200,000 homes across the UK this year.

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Seen 2,741,873 times this week
Seen 2,811,759 times this week
Seen 2,929,315 times this week
Seen 2,527,227 times this week


Show up where shoppers are searching

Target searches like "Milk", "Cheapest Breads", and "Colgate Offers" and be the first brand that your future customers see while they're searching for new products.

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Connect with families across the UK

Get discovered by millions of UK homes

Introduce your brand and products to over 3 million homes across the UK this year and let new customers know where to shop when they're ready to make the switch.

Drive more traffic to your products

Push your products directly to shoppers and get added to shopping lists across the UK. That's highly engaged shoppers at every age group between 18-65.

Show up when it counts

Become part of the "What to buy?" decision process by regularly highlighting products to your future customers while they're preparing for their weekly grocering trip.

Connecting shoppers with the brands they love


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