Skin Closures 8 Closures

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Good to know

  • Boots Skin Closures can be used to close and secure small cuts and minor wounds
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Clean and dry the affected area before use
  • Place a strip along each edge of the wound, running parallel to the wound
  • Apply one half of a closure to one side of the wound, running perpendicular to the wound
  • Draw together skin edges and press the other half of the closure firmly in place
  • Apply more closures in the same way, spaced approximately 2-3mm apart until the wound is completely closed
  • For greater security, additional closures can be placed across these
  • Cover the affected area with a sterile or antiseptic dressing
  • Allow the closures to remain in place for as long as possible to allow the wound to heal and the closures to loosen


42 reviews from 1 shop
"Very usefull to have in the medical cupboard"
"These fell off with the first dressing change"
"Very expensive for what you get too"
"They are not worth the money and won't stick for more than about 30 minutes"

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