Burgess Excel Feeding Hay with Meadow Flowers is a Complementary Feed for Rabbits and Guinea Pigs
The Excel Feeding Plan is a simple 5 step daily diet that ensures rabbits and guinea pigs get the right levels of fibre and nutrients to help maintain all round health
In the wild, rabbits and guinea pigs graze on grass, leafy shrubs and bark - a very high fibre diet
Feeding Hay & Grass is good for dental health, high in fibre and helps prevent boredom
Tasty Nuggets are high in beneficial fibre with added vitamins and minerals, as well as a prebiotic to support digestive health
Nature Snacks are a range of natural, healthy snacks which encourage foraging and interaction between you and your small furries
Fresh Greens provide additional nutrients and add variety
Fresh Water should be readily available for all round health
This Feeding Hay is a tasty blend of Dried Meadow Grasses and flowers with all natural ingredients that supports dental, digestive and behavioural health
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