Waitrose Ltd
Essential Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Parmesan Cheese Strength 5 Large

Where To Buy

The prices shown above are available online and may not reflect in store.

Good to know

  • Classic Italian cheese
  • Crumbly texture
  • Distinctive nutty flavor
  • Matured for a minimum of 18 months
  • Strength level 5


250 reviews from 1 shop
"This is great cheese for grating and cooking with It also has a good strong flavour I probably use 2 to 3 a month"
"This is definitely a household staple as we are an Italian family and I use it every day"
"This is very good quality in a handy re-usable pack"
"I love to use it in wild mushroom risotto I cook every Monday with Waitrose frozen wild mushrooms"

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