A Family Obsession by Harry Redknapp

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Good to know

  • Harry and Jamie Redknapp are a father-and-son duo in football royalty.
  • Both have had successful careers on the pitch, in managerial roles, and on television.
  • The book delves into their shared love and passion for football.
  • Discussions include their inspirations, mentors, and influential figures in the sport.
  • The content covers matches, players, managers, and changes across two generations.
  • The book features anecdotes, childhood idols, role models, and memorable team-mates.
  • It also includes insights into genius managers and great mavericks of the game.
  • Icons like Pele, Maradona, Bobby Moore, Lionel Messi, Steven Gerrard, and Pep Guardiola are highlighted.
  • The authors bring these football personalities to life with their knowledge and enthusiasm.


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