Lily & Rose Bouquet

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Good to know

  • Fresh flowers bring joy and happiness
  • Vibrant selection of roses and lilies
  • Treat for yourself or ready to gift
  • Unique packaging preserves flowers in transit
  • Look beautiful for a minimum of seven days
  • Fill vase with fresh cold water and dissolve flower food
  • Remove lower leaves below water line
  • Place vase in cool spot away from direct sunlight
  • Trim stems by 1 or 2cm before putting in vase
  • 14 stems composed of 2 stems of cream LA lilies, 3 cerise roses, 2 pink roses, 2 white roses, 2 stems of gypsophilia, 3 stems of eucalyptus robusta


119 reviews from 1 shop
"They are still going strong a week on but it is a small bunch of short stemmed flowers"
"These were sparse and ragged looking and packed in a box"
"Very long lasting I'm pleased with quality"
"These turned up in a tiny box squashed and when you put them in water the actual bouquet looks nothing like they advertise and ridiculously small"

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