Magic Retouch Light Golden Blonde Temporary Grey Root Concealer Spray

Where To Buy

£9.20 per 100ml
£9.32 per 100ml
£9.32 per 100ml
£13.32 per 100ml
2 FOR £14
£13.32 per 100ml
£10.00 £9.00
£13.33 per 100ml
£13.33 per 100ml
The prices shown above are available online and may not reflect in store.

Today's Price


Good to know

  • Cover grey hair instantly with Magic Retouch root concealer spray
  • Match and blend to your hair colour, even salon colour, for a natural looking finish
  • Easy to carry around in your handbag and cabin approved
  • Ideal for those in need of a quick fix between home colourings and salon appointments
  • Temporary, lightweight formula created for all hair types
  • Product lasts until washed out with shampoo
  • Hold the can 10-15cm from hair and spray roots in a light stream
  • Allow 1 minute to dry before achieving your perfect look
  • 9 shades available ranging from Blonde, Brown to Black
  • Don't forget Magic Retouch Precision Brush for temples and scattered greys


846 reviews from 7 shops
"This is also great when having your hair it certain styles making your hair look fuller and thicker"
"Love love love when received my roots started coming through and this covered amazing smelt lovely I'll definitely be buying more of this gear prodct"
"This is a fabulous product that has saved me money going to the hairdressers getting my roots touched up"
"This is a great little hack to cover up your roots"

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