Harper Collins
Operation Biting Max Hastings

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Good to know

  • Operation Biting was a thrilling British commando raid during WWII.
  • Dr. RV Jones proposed the assault to capture key radar components from the German-occupied coast of Europe.
  • The raid took place in February 1942 at Bruneval, Normandy.
  • 120 men landed for the operation despite some being misdropped nearly two miles from their destination.
  • The men successfully dismantled the German radar in a fierce battle with Wehrmacht defenders.
  • They escaped back to Portsmouth by landing-craft.
  • Max Hastings recounts the mission in great detail, highlighting the personalities involved.
  • The story vividly portrays remarkable individuals like RV Jones, Lord Louis Mountbatten, and others.
  • The mission's success was celebrated as a front-page triumph in a season of British defeats.


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