Free Range Pork Leg Joint Half Boneless

Where To Buy

£1.12 per 100g
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Today's Price


Good to know

  • Pigs are born outdoors at Packington
  • Sows live their whole lives outside with plenty of space to roam, wallow and be sociable
  • Piglets are moved into large outdoor paddocks with well bedded, cosy tents
  • At fourteen weeks of age, piglets are moved into large, naturally lit sheds with a large outdoor area
  • Pigs are reared to the highest welfare standards and have been well recognised by butchers and the RSPCA Freedom Foods
  • Pork is prepared, hand cut and packed by Jon Thorner's, a Q Guild Master butcher
  • Pigs are protected from the elements, with lots of space, natural light and natural ventilation, and deep straw beds
  • Producing pigs in this way takes longer and costs more, but the results are worth it


128 reviews from 1 shop
"This is probably the first supermarket joint I've bought where I've managed to get decent crackling"
"Love a flash sale and love a pork crackling but this little darling was as grey as a bank holiday Monday"
"Very tasty joint of pork and made fabulous crackling - would definitely buy again"
"This is beautiful so I wil try a Packington pork loin roast next"

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