Pot Noodle
Champion Chicken Lost The Pot

Where To Buy

£0.48 £0.47
£0.56 per 100g
£0.59 per 100g
£0.88 per 100g
£0.94 per 100g
£1.05 per 100g
The prices shown above are available online and may not reflect in store.

Today's Price


Good to know

May containSoya, Celery and Mustard
ContainsMilk, Wheat and Cereals Containing Gluten
  • Lost the Pot Noodle Champion Chicken adds a new flavour to family dinners
  • Instant noodles with a sachet of roast chicken flavour seasoning
  • Low in saturated fat and no artificial colours or preservatives
  • Preparation is quick and with no fuss
  • Add noodles to 300 ml of boiling water, stir in the sachet and prepare on the hob or in the microwave
  • The wrap and sachet for these noodles are both recyclable
  • Ready in just 5 minutes.


150 reviews from 5 shops
"They are soulless lacking any substance and flavour whatsoever: Caveat emptor : You get what you pay for ; Nothing redeemable about this product"
"These are excellent! Nicer than Super Noodles"
"Very happy that they are low in saturated fat too and a nice quality product"
"These are ok but not as tasty as the other packet noodle brand! They are definitely a chicken flavour but quite bland"

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