Non-drying spot treatment helps keep skin clear of imperfections and control surface oil
Reduces excess sebum on the surface and supports natural skin renewal process
Reduces the appearance of redness and spot size without leaving skin feeling tight or flakey
Formulated with Willow Bark Extract, Maritime Pine and Thyme Extracts, and Prebiotic Chlorella Extract
After 12 hours, spots appear reduced in size, complexion looks healthier and skin tone is more even
Makeup does not flake
Spot mark/scar is reduced
Skin has not dried out around the spot
Clearcalm Non-Drying Spot Treatment tube is made from 50% post consumer plastic with a 100% post consumer plastic cap
Recycling is subject to local policies and facilities.
169 reviews from 2 shops
"This is perfect for those random big spots you feel coming if you put this on at night it'll make it go a lot quicker! And stops redness around it"
"This is the best spot treatment I have used in a very long time! It instantly will help reduce painful inflamed spots and will keep them away as well"
"Very easy to use by locally applying in the desired area"
"This is a great spot treatment - does what it says on the tin"
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