Taste the Difference
Sainsbury's Woodland Trust Free Range Blue Mixed Weight Eggs Taste the Difference

Where To Buy

£0.44 each
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Today's Price


Good to know

  • Eggs are free range
  • We donate 1p for every dozen eggs sold to the Woodland Trust
  • Producers inspected to RSPCA welfare standards
  • Lion Mark is guarantee of quality eggs laid by British hens vaccinated against Salmonella
  • Track eggs origin on about.sainsburys.co.uk/eggtracker
  • Egg codes: 0 = Organic; 1 = Free Range; UK = Origin; 54321, 987SCO or 9-987 = Farm ID


40 reviews from 1 shop
"I love these eggs some people might think they are expensive but I think they are worth it"
"These eggs are minute like bantam eggs and no better than standard free range eggs and at nearly £2 for half dozen very poor value"
"Very small so no wonder there is a better yolk:white ratio"
"These eggs are not nearly as good as the ones I got form Tesco which are larger and much tastier"

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