Fungal Nail Treatment Kit Foot Care

Where To Buy

£10.00 £13.72
£263.16 per 100ml
£339.47 per 100ml
£15.00 £20.00
£394.74 per 100ml
£430.00 per 100ml
£433.95 per 100ml
£526.32 per 100ml
£526.32 per 100ml
£526.32 per 100ml
£552.63 per 100ml
£552.63 per 100ml
The prices shown above are available online and may not reflect in store.

Today's Price


Good to know

  • Fungal nail is an invasion of fungal species underneath or into the nail
  • Fungi are passed from person to person by direct contact and are carried by carpets, socks, shoes and hosiery
  • Symptoms include yellow/brownish discolouration of the nail, white "islands" on the surface of the nail, and the nail appearing rougher, more brittle and with ridges
  • Mild fungal infection is when symptoms have not persisted for longer than two years, the discolouration has not covered the whole surface of the nail, and the symptoms are not shown in more than two toes
  • Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment is a uniquely designed system for the treatment of fungal nail, with a combination of filing and specially formulated ingredients allowing for faster penetration at the source of infection
  • Clinically tested solution helps to prevent the spread of the fungus and protect from further damage and infection
  • Visible results from 2 weeks
  • 5 disposable files
  • Unique one-way file dispenser mechanism
  • Advanced formulation


716 reviews from 10 shops
"I think my case of fungal infection was far greater than what this product is designed for"
"Very happy with the product and would definitely recommend as a treatment for fungal nail infection"
"Very easy to use and works really well my toe nail looks a lot better that I can wear sandals"
"I think just the routine of doing this once a week to my nails has caused a reduction in the thickness of them"

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