Tidy-Up Doggie Doo Bags with Tie Handles

Where To Buy

£0.08 each
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Good to know

  • Clean up after your dog to prevent toxocara canis
  • Worm your dog regularly
  • Doggie Doo bags have a special fragrance to neutralise odours
  • Doggie Doo bags have tie handles
  • Doggie Doo bags come in a resealable pack
  • Cleaning up after your dog helps keep Britain tidy


85 reviews from 1 shop
"These are worth every penny and after all they're hardly expensive! Stronger and thicker plastic to make the whole business a less unpleasant task"
"These bags are worth the money they are thick smell good and no risk of the bag going through when picking up the poop!!!"
"Very strong bags but with a nauseating scent which mingles with what youre picking up and makes the whole task smell far worse"
"Very thick and with a good fragrance - always handy should you bump into a friend whilst carrying offending waste"

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