Waitrose Ltd
Waitrose 20 Native Breed Reduced Fat Beef Meatballs

Where To Buy

£1.67 per 100g
The prices shown above are available online and may not reflect in store.

Good to know

  • Made with beef from British breeds chosen for flavour and tenderness
  • Seasoned with sea salt and black pepper
  • Beef is higher welfare
  • Beef bought only from farmers known and trusted
  • Farmers share our values


383 reviews from 1 shop
"These meatballs were very tasty and made a great midweek meal with homemade tomato sauce and pasta"
"These are ideal for the dish I bake which is smoked meatball pasta bake as great size and meat quality is good!"
"Very good fried with onion and with gravy added towards end of cooking time"
"Love these meatballs they make a great quick midweek meal at a good price"

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