Waitrose Ltd
Waitrose British Native Breed Thin Cut Sirloin Steak

Where To Buy

£3.47 per 100g
3 FOR £12
The prices shown above are available online and may not reflect in store.

Good to know

  • Succulent and juicy
  • From British breeds chosen for flavour and tenderness
  • All beef is higher welfare
  • Bought only from known and trusted farmers
  • Farmers share our values


1,422 reviews from 1 shop
"This is a chief feature of one of my favourite meals and when supported by new potatoes and local asparagus is fit for a king"
"These steaks are just tasteless I've tried them several times but to be honest if you shut your eyes you wouldn't know what you were eating"
"The taste of this steak is excellent Sometimes it can be hit and miss with the texture and can sometimes be fatty Overall it's good"
"Very disappointing as the steak is much thinner than in previous offer"

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