Waitrose Ltd
Waitrose Slow Cooked Red Eye Pork Ribs

Where To Buy

£1.21 per 100g
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Today's Price


Good to know

  • Pork ribs cooked for 10 hours with tomato and vodka molasses glaze
  • Ready to eat in 25 minutes
  • Serves 2
  • Tumbled with spiced hickory smoke flavoured rub
  • Slow cooked for 10 hours
  • Meat is succulent and tender
  • Finish in oven with glaze for 25 mins
  • Pork from British outdoor bred pigs
  • Pigs housed in straw bedded airy barns
  • Fresh pork always British and outdoor bred or free-range


381 reviews from 1 shop
"These are priced quite a bit more than I have bought from other shops but they are much better quality and probably worth the extra"
"Very tasty but just a little bit small otherwise would have got 5 stars"
"These are delicious barbecued and my family would always choose these as one of their absolute favourites!"
"Love these ! tender and tasty with excellent Bourbon sauce - easy to cook I serve them with fluffy rice and sweetcorn "

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