Top 11 English Muffins
Discover the UK's favourite english muffins, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.

What people say
“These are the most tasty muffins! They are light and chewy with a yeasty ciabattalike texture rather than the breadlike stodgy brands”
“These are almost identical to the muffins in a certain famous burger chain breakfast - plastic”

What people say
“These are great toasted with spread on them”
“These muffins are delicious and so versatile”

What people say
“I love muffins for breakfast with butter and Strawberry or Black Cherry jam or in the afternoon with cheese and chutney or egg yolk and ketchup”
“these are a good size and just perfect and great price!”

What people say
“These muffins are perfect! None of that chewy none sense and I've tried a few brands of muffins where I've been unable to get the M+S ones”
“These muffins are great and are part of my weekly shopping for a few months now”

What people say
“They are just delicious !!!!”
“Very tasty and good value”

What people say
“Very light and not at all thick and stodgy like another well known brand ”
“These are very tasty when cut in half and toasted”

What people say
“These are the most delicious muffins for breakfast”
“These muffins are delicious”