Top 10 Haliborange Products
Discover the UK's favourite haliborange products, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
What people say “These taste good and are good for you too”
“Very good product”
What people say “Very awkward to use with out using a syringe”
What people say “These are approved by my teen son who is fussy with strong flavour and texture”
“These have worked out really well and after just a week I felt the benefit”
What people say “Very fishy smell and flavour like cod-liver oil”
What people say “I love the taste so much that I cannot switch to another brand - Radoxon tastes very synthetic in comparison”
“Very good product”
What people say “Very expensive for 300 ml”
“This is the only dha containing product my kids will stomach as the rest taste like fish”
What people say “These are great for getting extra vits into a fussy eater! My 9 year old has been taking these daily for the last 3 years”
“I love knowing that they're healthier for having the extra vitamins”
What people say “This is totally useless”
What people say “These are great my mate had some for her kids told me to try some they are to nice flavour wise do not leave around the kids easily eaten like sweets her kids loved them great way to get the right vitamin in them”
“I love these chewy yummy vitamins choice for my son”
What people say “These vitamins are a good solution for my dairy-allergic but otherwise healthy child because they supplement precisely what she needs: calcium and Vit D”
What people say “These are chewable”
“These contain milk so no good if your child is dairy intolerant”
What people say “These only seem to be available online now”
“They are chewable and the orange taste is very pleasant”