Top 4 Harry's Razor Blades

Discover the UK's favourite harry's razor blades, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
Harry's Razor Blades
Harry's Shower Gel

What people say

38 reviews from 6 shops
“These blades are much sharper and last much longer than others”
“This is especially important when in the shower shaving intimate areas”

Where to buy


What people say

111 reviews from 2 shops
“These razors are top quality and this kit is perfect for everything you need for a great shave! Awesome look and feel and the close shave leaves a really nice smooth finish! I have had no issues with cuts or rashes”
“Very comfortable and close So smooth I feel better after using”

Where to buy


What people say

404 reviews from 9 shops
“This is a great razor!!! The blades are super sharp and cut so close to the grain leaving you feel super smooth all day long”
“I love the bright orange non slip handle”

Where to buy


What people say

1,640 reviews from 9 shops
“These also come with a single precision blade on the top of the razor and that is fantastic at getting to the difficult places with a full cumbersome blade”
“These are real quality razor blades that definitely have a close clean shave and leaves your skin feeling nice and smooth and definitely not irritated”

Where to buy

Razor Blades