Top 4 Lee Stafford Scalp Love

Discover the UK's favourite lee stafford scalp love, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
Lee Stafford Shampoo
Lee Stafford Coco Loco
Lee Stafford Curls
Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes
Lee Stafford For The Love Of Curls
Lee Stafford Ice White
Lee Stafford Scalp Love
Lee Stafford Argan Oil
Lee Stafford Hair Apology

What people say

55 reviews from 3 shops
“This is great conditioner amd works really well with the shampoo aswell Make hair alot softer and it is noticeable im feel im not losing as much when i was and brush my hair Feel ao muxh healthier aswell”
“This is great smell great also”

Where to buy


What people say

77 reviews from 1 shop
“This is great shampoo i have used a few times now and i am starting to notice my hair feeling like its a but thicker Smells great and also leaves hair feeling healthier that my hair has in a long time”
“This is amazing shampoo beautiful smell too and leaves your hair looking and feeling amazing”

Where to buy


What people say

46 reviews from 2 shops
“This is stuff is honestly amazing! I got the same matching shampoo and conditioner and my hair honestly feels so much thicker just after a week”
“I love this set along side the shampoo and conditioner this scalp leave in Tonic compliments them well it's easy to use and doesn't make my hair feel greasy or leave it looking like I haven't washed it”

Where to buy


What people say

58 reviews from 1 shop
“I love every single thing about this product so much! As someone with thick long hair I rely on a dry shampoo that is kind to ypur hair and smells nice between washes and I found everything I was looking for with this! It's kind on your scalp aswell as your hair ”
“This is brilliant for a quick touch up”

Where to buy

Hair Conditioners
Hair Care
Hair Tonics
Hair Treatments
Dry Shampoos