Top 10 Peanut Butters

Discover the UK's favourite peanut butters, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.

What people say

472 reviews from 8 shops
“Very nice and tasty - more oily then I'm used to but I'm willing to accept this if it means I'm not unnecessarily consuming palm oil!”
“This is my absolute favourite peanut butter! It's just so tasty and goes with everything”

Where to buy


What people say

215 reviews from 5 shops
“This is equally glorious! The nutritional values and ingredients are identical to their organic version”
“This is a Lovely Crunchy and very tasty Peanut Butter”

Where to buy


What people say

167 reviews from 1 shop
“This is a fantastic nutty butter and a regular in our shop”
“This is my partner's absolute favourite peanut butter will buy others but he always pulls a face if it's out of stock”

Where to buy


Where to buy


Where to buy


What people say

240 reviews from 5 shops
“This is so rich and delicious - like eating salted caramel”
“I love the deep roast manilife but smooth is my absolute fav - please range this! The lid on this is usually very oily when I pick it up in store”

Where to buy


What people say

73 reviews from 1 shop
“This is a lovely tasting peanut butter with a nice amount of crunch and not in the slightest bit oily”
“This is nice peanut butter - it has 95% roasted peanuts”

Where to buy


What people say

89 reviews from 1 shop
“This is just so cheap yet tastes lovely and lots of crunchy bits - I was so surprised by it's quality when I first purchased it because of the price”
“I think it must be whipped up or something as it is lighter”

Where to buy


What people say

114 reviews from 1 shop
“I love this on toast with chopped banana”
“Love this peanut butter I can eat it straight out of the tub with a spoon! love this with some toast and banana love it !!!”

Where to buy


What people say

135 reviews from 1 shop
“THis is quite runny but i love it like that - perfect for drizzling and spreading on toast”
“This is WHY palm oil is in everything because it gives a texture that is more appealing and it is also easier to add to products”

Where to buy


What people say

3 reviews from 2 shops
“Very soft and delicious but content preservatives”

Where to buy


What people say

130 reviews from 3 shops
“This is so creamy and deliciouse I have on bagles with bannanas a great energy kick for mornings”
“this is great for kids as a treat as a sandwich or on toast”

Where to buy


What people say

77 reviews from 1 shop
“I love this peanut butter especially with lettuce in a sandwich”
“I love this peanut butter spread on lettuce leaves”

Where to buy


What people say

71 reviews from 1 shop
“Love this! I was sceptical at first as it is a cheap choice but I find it really tasty and crunchy ”
“This is an excellent peanut butter ; very smooth and tasty”

Where to buy


What people say

60 reviews from 1 shop
“Very tasty and ideal for an occasional treat and as a rare training reward for the dog”
“This is lovely in porridge to give it a little texture”

Where to buy
