Top 19 Sacla Pesto
Discover the UK's favourite sacla pesto, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
What people say “I love this sauce because it has an intense flavour unlike a lot of pasta sauces which are watery and bland”
“It's absolutely delicious and packed with olives and other lovely things”
What people say “The taste is much more distinct and flavourful than other brands I have tried”
“This is by far the best bought pesto I've tried”
What people say “I love putting this on pasta with some cooling burrata to balance out the spiciness (not that its thaaat spicy)”
“I love this pesto and choose it over bog standard pesto every time”
What people say “This is lovely - decided to take what was left in the jar and freeze it - as would not be using it all fast enough - it does not freeze solid - so really nice to be able to just freeze in a container”
“This is a big family favourite”
What people say “This is a really delicious vegetarian pesto”
“This is fantastic”
What people say “These are delicious with a gorgeous flavour and thick texture”
“This is undoubtedly the best vegan red pesto on the market! Lovely flavour”
What people say “Very different from other pesto”
“Very tasty”
What people say “This is a delicious thick sauce”
“This is my absolutely favourite pesto! Rich and flavoursome and full of a deep aubergine flavour”
What people say “This is my all-time favourite! I just wish the jar were bigger”
“I love this ! it has 2% truffles and you really get a strong flavour ”
What people say “Very tasty and not bland like some low fat pestos can be”
“Very tasty with fresh parmesan”
What people say “These handy little pots are perfect as it means we do not waste a big jar that ends up sitting in the fridge”
“These little pots are absolutely ideal for when you just need a small amount”
What people say “This is the nicest pepper pesto around”
“I think I was expecting a more of a pronounced and a little sweeter roast pepper flavour”
What people say “I love coriander and this pesto is fabulous in pasta salads a much fresher flavour than basil pesto”
“This is by far my favourite pesto”
What people say “These are delicious with a gorgeous flavour and thick texture”
“This is my new favourite vegetarian pesto - lovely flavour and not too oily”