Provides exceptional disinfection and all-day comfort
Unique formulation with dual-disinfecting technology effectively kills harmful bacteria
Nearly 94% of patients found ACUVUE RevitaLens MPDS effective in keeping their contact lenses feeling clean
of patients agree that ACUVUE RevitaLens MPDS was effective in keeping their contact lenses feeling comfortable
Cleans, rinses, disinfects, stores, removes surface deposits including lipids and proteins, and re-wets soft hydrogel and silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Delivers peroxide quality disinfection with the simplicity, convenience, and comfort of an advanced multi-purpose solution
Used solution in the lens case must be discarded immediately after each use
Re-use of old solution can introduce germs
Solution bottle has an expiration date on the bottle and carton and should be discarded and replaced before reaching but no later than its expiration date
Lenses can be kept in solution for 30 days
5 reviews from 1 shop
"Very good contact lens solution"
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