Relief from headache, migraine, period pain, back pain, muscle ache & pain, rheumatic pain, fever, toothache, cold & flu symptoms, lower back pain, stiffness, sciatica, sprains, strains, joint swelling, neuralgia, fibrositis and a sore throat
Suitable for adults, the elderly and young persons aged 16 & over
Do not take more than 8 tablets in 24 hours
Do not give to children aged under 16 unless on the advice of a doctor
Do not take more medicine than the label tells you to
If you do not get better, talk to a doctor
Active Ingredient: Each film-coated tablet contains: Aspirin 300mg, Paracetamol 200mg and Caffeine 45mg
Do not store above 25°C
Keep out of the reach and sight of children
Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have an underlying medical condition, are taking any other medication or complementary therapy, or if symptoms persist
92 reviews from 4 shops
"These stopped my migraine before it had a chance to take hold"
"These tablets really helped and I actually managed to finish my shift rather than going home sick"
"Very easy to contact and my issue was resolved straight away"
"This is such a great painkiller"
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