Waitrose Ltd
Duchy Organic Carrots

Where To Buy

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Good to know

  • Sweet and crunchy.
  • Made with care from dedicated farmers.
  • Grown using natural fertilisers.
  • Organic carrots grown with sunshine, water, and nourishment from soil.
  • Farmers work hand in hand with nature.
  • Vegetables are good for the planet.
  • Delicious raw or cooked.
  • Sales from the product support donations to charity.


690 reviews from 1 shop
"These sweet juicy carrots are enjoyed by all the family - raw and cooked and are always of high quality"
"These carrots were firm and crunchy when eaten raw and tasty when cooked"
"These organic carrots are good value but also seem to have a better flavour than non-organic so always worth buying"
"These carrots are a good weekly staple keeping very fresh and excellent addition to many meals"

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