Nicotinell gum relieves and helps to prevent craving and nicotine withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking dependence
Aids smokers wishing to quit or reduce prior to quitting
Assists smokers who are unwilling or unable to smoke
Nicotine is released slowly and absorbed through the lining of the mouth
Nicotinell nicotine gum helps to quit smoking by relieving five withdrawal symptoms of quitting - anxiety, frustration, restlessness, irritability and cravings
Nicotinell product range includes TTS Patch, medicated chewing gum and lozenge
Stop smoking aid
Contains nicotine
Nicotinell nicotine gum available in 2 mg and 4 mg strengths in three sugar free flavours - mint, fruit and liquorice
Use Nicotinell nicotine gums throughout the day to help relieve nicotine cravings and to help you quit smoking
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